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British National Formulary (BNF) : Free core content access to the latest edition is through HINARI. Registration is required. Install the BNF app to access content wherever you are.


BNF for children : As with BNF above, registration is required to access full content. An app is also available for this content.


Common skin diseases in Africa : an illustrated guide by Colette van Hees and Ben Naafs. A textbook prescribed for MBBS 4 students. Print copies are also available at the Library Short Loan section.


De Gruyter LIS Books : Provides access to about 85 e-books, predominantly IFLA publications.


Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB): Access about 3288 peer reviewed books from 111 publishers.


Free Books for Doctors : Offers access to over 630 books classified by subject or title.


Free Online Medical Books : A link to free e-books and guides on medical sciences. Items can either be viewed online or downloaded.


Gastroentorology and Hepatology Books : Current free medical books on gastroenterology and hepatology provided by Capstone Publishers, with emphasis on basic sciences, clinical sciences, first principles, review topics, approaches to diagnostic imaging, endoscopy and pathology.


Standard Treatment Guidelines and Essential Drug List for South Africa : a 2012 edition with corrections not available in previous prints.


OUP- E-books Dictionary of National Biography : The national record of men and women who have shaped British history and culture, worldwide, from the Romans to the 21st century. The Dictionary offers concise, up-to-date biographies written by named, specialist authors.


OUP- E-books International Law in Domestic Courts : Sources on Oxford reports on international law.


OUP- E-books Oxford English Dictionary Online : Browse the definitive record of the English language from A to Z by subject, usage, region or origin.


OUP- E-books Oxford Reference Online : Provides access to about 366 reference books such as dictionaries, encyclopaedias, and guides on every subject.


OUP- E-books Oxford Scholarship Online : Oxford Scholarship Online (OSO) is a vast and rapidly expanding research library, providing quick and easy access to over 10,000 high quality academic works. Launched in 2003 with four subjects modules, OSO is now available in 20 subject modules in key subjects across the humanities, social sciences, sciences, medicine, and law.


Proquest E-books : ProQuest powers research in academic, corporate, government, public and school libraries around the world with unique content. Explore millions of resources ...


UNFPA Publications : Offers access to publications on adolescents and youths, advocacy, culture, emergencies, essential suppliers, funding, gender equality, HIV and AIDS, human rights, population and MDGs, reproductive health, and safe motherhood.


World Health Organization : Links health topics and other health websites. It also includes fact sheets and statistical information on various topics and countries.

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