
Membership & Registration

Membership & Registration

Membership & Registration

Who can use the library?

To be able to fully benefit from all the services, facilities and resources offered by the library, you need to be an eligible client.

  1. All registered students of the Kamuzu University of Health Sciences, and Pre-Medical students for the duration of their courses.
  2. All senior staff and their spouses of the Kamuzu University of Health Sciences.
  3. Members of the University Council.
  4. Members of the clerical, technical and support staff of the Kamuzu University of Health Sciences who have been recommended in writing by the registrar’s department.
  5. Non-members of the Kamuzu University of Health Sciences who make an application to the university librarian and who may be allowed to use the library at the university librarian’s discretion and who pay an annual non-refundable fee of one thousand and five hundred Kwacha (MK 1, 500.00 ), and whose membership is supported by a written guarantee from their employers and have an acceptable identity card.
  6. Members of the public who, at the discretion of the university librarian, may use the library for reference.

How can i register?

Non-members of the Kamuzu University of Healthy Sciences who would like to make use of our KUHeS libraries are required to apply for membership by filling up our registration form and mail it to 

or handle it in in person. Click the button below to download the registration form.

  1. For these Regulations, the University Library comprises collections, services and facilities provided on the premises of the University Library on the University’s campus and elsewhere; and the services and resources provided at any location, directly or indirectly, by the University Library across the campus network or the Internet.
  2. Other persons may be afforded such access to the collections, services, and facilities provided on the premises of the University Library during staffed service hours as the University Librarian considers appropriate. In offering such access, the Librarian may impose a charge.

  3. Users other than registered students and University staff must register separately with the University Library. Such users will be issued a University Library card and must inform the Library of any change of address.

  4. University Identity Cards are not transferable.
  5. All Library users are not permitted to move tables and chairs from their designated places under any circumstances.
  6. Any person behaving inconsiderately or inappropriately on University Library premises may be asked by the Library authority to leave immediately.
  7. Any breach of these Regulations and any other misconduct relating to the University Library may be dealt with in line with the Student Information handbook (students only) and the conditions of Service (Staff only)
  8. In the event that nothing pertaining to the Library is mentioned in the conditions of service or student handbook, fines and offenses herein shall take precedence.
  9. Complaints against the imposition of any penalty under these Regulations may be dealt with, in the case of students, in accordance with the Student Complaints Procedure.
  10. The opening hours of the Library will be as determined from time to time. The hours when each Library is open are displayed at the entrance to that Library and on the Library website. Opening hours of particular collections or services within a Library may differ and are displayed at those collections or services and on their web pages.

  11. The Librarian is authorised to levy a charge for specific services, as displayed at those service points and on the Library website.
  1. The use of the Library is permitted to registered users only and is conditional on the observance of its Regulations. All registered users are presumed to know these Regulations, which are included in student handbooks and available on the Library website.
  2. Alumni of the University, including Diploma students who have pursued a course of study for not less than the equivalent of one year full-time, may use the Library for academic purposes. A fee may be charged for borrowing privileges.
  3. Staff and students of the University and institutions affiliated with it are entitled to use the Library in accordance with the terms of the agreement between their institution and the Library.
  4. Members of an institution who are accorded the use of the Library in virtue of an agreement between that institution and the University must conform to the Regulations of the Library subject to any modifications in that agreement.
  5. Other persons may be allowed by the Librarian to read in the Library on producing a satisfactory recommendation. In special cases at the discretion of the Librarian, they may also be allowed to borrow books.
  6. Admission to closed collections is at the discretion of the Librarian and subject to separate regulations governing those collections. Admission to them does not imply permission to use other parts of the Library’s collections.
  1. Users should carry their University or Library identity card at all times and present it to any Library staff upon request. Failure to produce a valid identity card will lead to expulsion from the Library or refusal of admission into Library facilities.
  2. Users whose behavior is disruptive to Library operations or services, infringes the rights, safety, or well-being of others, or risks damage to Library property, may be asked to leave the facility, referred to Library authority, and/or have their library privileges revoked.
  3. Users should respect designated silent areas and keep noise to a minimum elsewhere. Mobile phones, laptop computers, and other gadgets may only be used if they do not generate sounds audible to other users.
  4. Users must not write in, dog-ear, or deface Library books in any way. A user shall be requested to replace such damaged books.
  5. Library commissionaires are authorized to inspect any books and belongings in the possession of users leaving the Library.
  6. Smoking and eating are not permitted anywhere within the Library. Drinks with lids are permitted except for intoxicating agents such as alcoholic liquor and prohibited drugs.
  7. Reservation of seats is not permitted. Books and other articles left unattended for any length of time may be removed by Library staff.
  8. The Library will not be held liable for any lost, stolen, or damaged personal belongings left unattended in the Library at any time.
  9. Users may use mains-powered equipment such as laptops within the Library, but the use is conditional upon the owner’s acceptance of responsibility for any damage to University property caused by their equipment.
  10. Users wishing to use cameras or other recording equipment in the Library should ask permission from the Client Services Librarian, and this may attract a fee.
  11. Walk-in users should seek permission from Library management.
  12. Users must leave the Library by closing time, immediately upon hearing the fire alarm, when required to do so in an emergency, or when asked to leave by a member of Library staff.
  13. Users should immediately report any accident, theft, or other incidents to a member of the Library staff. Users should not behave in any way that might jeopardize their health and safety or that of others.
  1. Users must comply with the Malawi Copyright Law and the terms of all licenses for print and electronic material use. For specific guidelines, refer to the KUHeS Intellectual Property Policy.
  2. Use of digital cameras, personal scanners, or similar equipment to copy Library materials must comply with the Copyright Law and not cause inconvenience to other users.
  3. Electronic resources:
  • Access: Patrons must comply with the terms and conditions of use of login credentials for accessing electronic resources, such as databases or e-books. Libraries may limit the number of concurrent users or the amount of time a user can spend on a particular resource.
  • Copyright: Users must not infringe on the rights of the publishers when using electronic resources. This may include not copying or distributing materials without permission and not using materials for commercial purposes.
  • Printing and downloading: Users must comply with restrictions on the number of pages that can be printed.
  • Remote access: Our libraries shall allow users to access electronic resources from outside the Library using remote login. However, there may be restrictions on who can use remote access and how it can be used.

Users must comply with all relevant legal and contractual requirements, especially those relating to digital resource licensing, copyright, data protection, and computer misuse.


  1. No book may be removed from the Library or kept in a study unless a record of its loan has been made by a member of the Library staff.
  2. Library users will be held responsible for all books issued to their Library records as long as the issue record for those books remains un-cancelled.
  3. Every user must present a valid University Card or Library Card when borrowing and must produce this, or another form of identification, when asked to do so by a member of Library staff on Library premises.
  4. Users leaving the University Library premises with books will be required to show their bags at the security desk.

  5. Local Area Network cables and any other computer accessories are allowed, and users may bring them into the Library. However, a user shall be required to declare them upon entering the Library.
  6. Library materials shall be borrowed upon the production of acceptable identification.

  7. Unbound periodicals shall not be removed from the Library.

  8. A book placed on Reserve (Short Loan) may be borrowed:

    • For two (2) hours at a time, for consultation in the Library only.
    • For an overnight loan from two (2) hours before closing and up to no more than two (2) hours after opening the following day.
  9. Reference books shall not be removed from the Library.
  10. Some Library collections which are appropriately marked “Not To Be Taken Away,” “Malawiana,” or “THESIS” shall not be removed from the Library, except under very special circumstances and at the discretion of the University Librarian.
  11. The borrower of an item as shown in the current loan record is responsible for the safe return of that item and liable for any loss or damage to it.
  12. Materials borrowed at any campus may be returned to any nearest campus convenient for the user.

  13. Books (except for those marked “One-day loan,” “Not to be borrowed,” or “Reference”) may be kept until they are requested by another user. The Reader’s Service Librarian may vary the loan period or withhold or restrict the circulation of any book in the Library.
  14. Books marked “Not to be borrowed” or “Reference” shall not be taken out of the Library.

  15. Fines are levied for the late return of items, in accordance with the stamped return date on date labels, and borrowing rights may be suspended.

  16. No Library user shall borrow books from the Library beyond their approved limit without the approval of the Client Service Librarian.
  17. The Librarian may grant special facilities for a limited time to any person entitled to the use of the Library.
  18. Students who have taken their final examinations or submitted their theses cease to have borrowing privileges. Upon graduation, they may register as Alumni members under these Regulations.
  19. Users must not borrow materials using another person’s University Identity Card or Library Card. All borrowing must be made in accordance with rules published on the University Library’s premises, printed guides, and web pages.
  20. Users may be required by the University Librarian to pay compensation for the replacement of lost or damaged Library materials, the non-collection of items obtained on interlibrary loans, and certain other acts or omissions. Users’ borrowing rights may, in addition, be suspended in the case of late return of borrowed or recalled items. Waivers for payments are at the discretion of the University Librarian.



Theft or attempted theft of Library items, equipment, furniture, or furnishings

Full cost of replacement of the item and a 10% administrative charge fee.

Defacing, mutilating, or damaging Library items, facilities, equipment, furniture, or furnishings, or willfully altering/destroying identification marks relating to ownership or location of Library items, equipment, furniture, or furnishings

Full cost of replacement of the item and a 10% administrative charge fee plus suspension from the Library for one semester.

Obtaining or using a University Identification Card under false pretenses

Suspension from the Library for a maximum period of two weeks.

Violating a suspension that is in effect

Suspension from the Library for a maximum period of one academic year on top of the current suspension.

Smoking in the Library

Suspension from the Library.

Use of computers in a manner contravening University Rules and Regulations

Suspension from the Library at the discretion of the Library manager.

Rudeness to Library staff, including security staff

The case will be referred to Library Management, who will determine whether it should be heard at the disciplinary committee (Refer to Appendix 2 of the Conditions of Service & Student Handbook).

Making noise in non-designated noise-making/reading areas other than group discussion, Library cooperative, and consultation areas

The case will be referred to Library Management, who will determine whether it should be heard at the disciplinary committee (Refer to Appendix 2 of the Conditions of Service & Student Handbook).

Contravention of intellectual property stipulations, such as photocopying limits

Suspension from the Library for a maximum period of one semester.

Behavior that adversely impacts other individuals’ use or access to Library facilities and resources

Suspension from the Library for a maximum period of one semester.

Possession of items from other libraries that are either overdue or have evidence of having been removed without proper authorization

The item will be confiscated, awaiting consultations with the concerned Library.

User involved in corrupt practices with Library staff, e.g., conniving to steal Library items

The case will be referred to Library Management, who will determine whether it should be heard at the disciplinary committee (Refer to Appendix 2 of the Conditions of Service & Student Handbook).

Authorised borrowers are allowed to borrow as follows:
a. Academic staff 20
b. Postgraduate student 15
c. Undergraduate student 10
d. Other staff 10

  1. All registered students of the Kamuzu University of Healthy Sciences, and Pre-Medical students for the duration of their courses.
  2. All senior staff and their spouses of the Kamuzu University of Healthy Sciences.
  3. Members of the University Council.
  4. Members of the clerical, technical and support staff of the Kamuzu University of Healthy Sciences who have been recommended in writing by the registrar’s department.
  5. Non-members of the Kamuzu University of Healthy Sciences who make an application to the college librarian and who may be allowed to use the library at the college librarian’s discretion and who pay an annual non-refundable fee of one thousand and five hundred Kwacha (MK 1, 500.00 ), and whose membership is supported by a written guarantee from their employers and have an acceptable identity card.
  6. Members of the public who, at the discretion of the college librarian, may use the library for reference.

How can i register?

Non-members of the Kamuzu University of Healthy Sciences who would like to make use of our KUHeS libraries are required to apply for membership by filling up our registration form and mail it to 

or handle it in in person. Click the button below to download the registration form.

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